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"Unique Summer Field Trips for Families"

One of my favorite times of year to spend with my family is summertime. I look forward to trying out new things and connecting it with things in our home. We love science in our house as well. There's never a moment on a random weekend where we're creating something cool. From paper airplanes with different sizes to see how far it can go to figuring out if glass is really made from glass.

When we found out about the Injection Molding Lense, I automatically new that we would have to do extra research to see how we could tap into this cool molding object. While researching what it was and how maybe we've seen it at our home, the connection came with our security camera on our house. The "front bubble globe" (as my kids would call it) was the type of technological material made with the injection molding tool. It was cool to see that the company that creates them is right here in our home state of Georgia.

We also thought about how the globes looked like they could be used with a terrarium for indoor gardening & planting. Incorporating wellness fun in our science creation gives us an A+ when learning and trying new things. How cool would that be to ass this to the top of your indoor greenery space.

But the best is perusing the website of the company that creates the globes, Criterion Technology, Inc., and realizing there may be a possibility for us to make a trip to south GA for a field trip. Oh, the joy on the kids faces to hear this.

Creating outings that involves fun + learning is a plus because it keeps us on our toes and allows our entire family to learn something new together. Even with the polycarbonate, acrylic, and optical grade nylon appearing as tiny crystals, it's so cool to see how each tiny particle is infused together in a mold to create something larger that protects objects from everyday world elements.

Try out unique field trip ideas with your family and even your friends. Check back for other cool outing ideas that I'll be sharing from my family.


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